What is phase analysis?
Vibration phase analysis is an effective tool for identifying and describing how your machinery is functioning, in relation to its base, mounting hardware, structure, and other coupled components. Ideally, if the front of your coupled motor/fan assembly is moving one way at a particular time, the back of the assembly should be moving in the same direction.
Enter the role of phase analysis. Using reflective tape mounted to a rotating element of your equipment as a reference point, phase measurements can be taken on any part of the machine assembly. A “phase“, or degree of rotation is noted for each measurement point. Then, relative to the 0° mark of the tape, an assessment can be made as to whether the machine is in phase, or out of phase.
When the phase analysis is complete, a report and 3D computer model can be generated to show how the various components of a machine are moving in relation to one another, and recommendations can be made to correct any components that are out of the desired phase tolerance.

A practical example
A practical example of how phase analysis can be used to detect a problem with machinery: A client called Mitchell Vibration Services onsite to balance a fan that had been cleaned, and had bearings replaced. After correcting the unbalance, there was still excessive vibration. A phase analysis showed that the motor, fan, and mounting plate were moving up, while at the same time the supporting structure was moving down. A slow motion study with a strobe light revealed cracks in the welds holding the mounting plate to the supporting structure. The cracks were welded, and the remaining vibration dropped within tolerance.
In this very basic instance, phase analysis was used to suggest where to look for the problem, and confirm that it had been resolved after the welding was complete.
Is your machinery behaving mysteriously? Do you have excessive vibration that you cannot resolve with the tools and resources you have on hand? Perhaps a phase analysis could pinpoint the source, and help you to resolve your problem. Contact Mitchell Vibration Services today, and get your phase analysis started.